This project entails translating the notes from The Lutheran Study Bible that accompany each of the 66 books of The Holy Bible into 15 different Indian languages. That’s almost a thousand separate translation “mini-projects,” with associated costs averaging about $500 each. In other words, this translation project will cost more than a half-million dollars! And that does not include printing or distribution. We invite you to partner with us and we sincerely appreciate any help you can give us.
With the understanding that some of our donors will have affinities for a particular Indian language or a specific book of The Holy Bible, we are providing the estimated cost to complete the 10-step process of translating The Lutheran Study Bible notes for each of the 66 books (see below). There are slight cost variations from language to language, of course, so our dollar figures are rough averages.
You may wish to base your donation on these estimated costs. In fact, we encourage it!
Logistically, we cannot guarantee that your individual donation will be put towards a specific language or book, but please don’t let that stop you from basing the amount (and the spirit!) of your donation on that which you hold most dear. We will do our very best to earmark your donations based on your intention.
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$135 of $40,000 raised
Here are the estimated costs per book:
Estimated Cost to Translate The Lutheran Study Bible's Notes for Book of the Bible
Estimated Cost to Translate The Lutheran Study Bible's Notes for Book of the Bible
Estimated Cost to Translate The Lutheran Study Bible's Notes for Book of the Bible
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$0 of $1,306 raised
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